Tech Blog

Believe In The Web

9/26/2023 · 5 minute read · 1 comment · 130 views

When to Branch Your Code (Git)

7/31/2023 · 2 minute read · 2 comments · 54 views

I Self-Published a Sci-Fi Novel on Kindle

2/6/2023 · 4 minute read · 0 comments · 241 views

Creating a MERN stack app that uses Firebase Authentication - Part Two

1/25/2022 · 8 minute read · 0 comments · 2185 views

Creating a MERN stack app that uses Firebase Authentication - Part One

1/24/2022 · 4 minute read · 1 comment · 8451 views

Making SetTimeout Async Friendly

10/21/2020 · 1 minute read · 1 comment · 10106 views

Top 5 Web Developer Youtube Channels

12/15/2019 · 4 minute read · 18 comments · 5690 views

My First Year Of Code

11/7/2019 · 3 minute read · 2 comments · 1913 views

Closures: Modules

10/25/2019 · 2 minute read · 0 comments · 728 views

Auth0 First Impressions

10/7/2019 · 5 minute read · 2 comments · 2181 views

Why I Love The Podcast

9/27/2019 · 4 minute read · 12 comments · 1249 views

Framework Hell

9/17/2019 · 3 minute read · 20 comments · 8190 views

Learn Webdev: Mental Health and Learning

9/9/2019 · 4 minute read · 4 comments · 656 views

Learn Webdev: Creating a Curriculum

8/22/2019 · 4 minute read · 1 comment · 1429 views

You Probably Don't Need A Front End Framework

8/15/2019 · 4 minute read · 90 comments · 55519 views

Learn Webdev: Researching Techs To Learn

8/7/2019 · 4 minute read · 0 comments · 950 views

Learn Webdev: Errors, Debugging, and Asking Questions

7/31/2019 · 5 minute read · 1 comment · 506 views

My First Week As A Software Developer

7/20/2019 · 2 minute read · 6 comments · 1522 views

Closures: Debouncing

7/16/2019 · 2 minute read · 1 comment · 1725 views

Wow! Next.js Continues to Impress

7/9/2019 · 2 minute read · 7 comments · 7304 views

Closures: Using Memoization

7/5/2019 · 2 minute read · 2 comments · 4030 views

Closures: The JS Scope Hack

7/1/2019 · 3 minute read · 2 comments · 2560 views

I did it, I'm a Software Engineer

6/28/2019 · 1 minute read · 26 comments · 1401 views

Passed By Reference Vs. Value In Javascript

6/24/2019 · 3 minute read · 17 comments · 5977 views

This and Bind In Javascript

6/17/2019 · 3 minute read · 7 comments · 1348 views

Front End Dev Portfolio Projects

6/14/2019 · 1 minute read · 15 comments · 4634 views

Hoisting in JS: The Quick and Dirty

6/12/2019 · 2 minute read · 1 comment · 381 views

Var and Function Scope In Javascript

6/10/2019 · 2 minute read · 5 comments · 354 views

How Flunking A Programming Class Deterred Me

6/6/2019 · 2 minute read · 2 comments · 211 views

If Javascript Is Single Threaded, How Is It Asynchronous?

6/3/2019 · 2 minute read · 45 comments · 134136 views

Finished My Portfolio Site

5/29/2019 · 1 minute read · 20 comments · 1511 views

Do FreeCodeCamp Certifications Hold Weight?

5/28/2019 · 3 minute read · 41 comments · 29132 views

Before Searching For A Dev Job

5/20/2019 · 4 minute read · 17 comments · 4077 views

Gatsby and Netlify CMS: First Impressions

5/14/2019 · 6 minute read · 14 comments · 7905 views

Struggling with Gatsby Images

5/12/2019 · 1 minute read · 13 comments · 6072 views

Tip: Disabling Links As Buttons in Gatsby

5/10/2019 · 1 minute read · 2 comments · 4192 views

Completed My First Major React Project

5/6/2019 · 2 minute read · 6 comments · 2699 views

Attended My First Dev Meetup

4/29/2019 · 2 minute read · 6 comments · 668 views

Array.filter() Is Awesome

4/22/2019 · 2 minute read · 9 comments · 8199 views

Promise To Myself

4/18/2019 · 1 minute read · 1 comment · 95 views

How I Learned React Hooks

4/15/2019 · 3 minute read · 0 comments · 161 views

Codecademy & freeCodeCamp: Beginner's Journey

4/9/2019 · 4 minute read · 2 comments · 1760 views